• WAP手机版


时间:2015-04-02 13:39:01   作者:   来源:   评论:0









  I. 语音,语法和词汇单项选择 (20题, 每题1分, 共20分。) 


  1. treasure A. beat B. feather C. break D. pleased


  2. ocean A. progress B. consider C. official D. college


  3. worth A. breath B. breathe C. though D. northern


  4. yard A. supply B. bury     C. beyond D. society


  5. farther A. particularly B. sugar C. upward D. regard


  6. – Does ________ know the answer to the question?


     – Me.


  A. everybody       B. anybody           C. somebody       D. nobody


  7. – Would you like to go bike riding with us tomorrow?


     - Sure, ________ I am busy.


  A. since              B. unless             C. when             D. until


  8. She ________ as an animal trainer since 2003.


         A. has worked   B. works             C. will work       D. worked


  9. – Can you tell me ________?  – She is in the computer lab.


         A. where was Linda                             B. where is Linda


         C. where Linda is                             D. where Linda was


  10. While I ________ with my friend, she came in. 


  A. am talking B. was talking    


  C. talked     D. am going to talk   


  11.  “________exercise every day, my child. It's good for your health.” Father said to Tom


  A. Takes           B. To take           C. Taking             D. Take


  12. Study hard, _______ you’ll pass the exam. 


       A. or       B. and           C. but     D. so


  13. I think students shouldn't _____ to do too much homework. We'd better ________ them enough time to do sports and have other experiences. 


  A. be allowed; leave B. allow; leave 


  C. be allowed; to leave   D. allow; leaving


  14. It's too late to go out now and _____, it's starting to rain. 


     A. though     B. however     C. besides   D. instead


  15. Afternoon tea is ______ in the dining room from 3 to 5 p. m. every day. 


     A. served       B. burned         C. cooked       D. eaten


  16. We did ______ rescue the people trapped in the house.


  A. all we could   B. all we could to        


  C. what we could     D. all what we could to


  17. Once _____, such a chance might never come again.


  A. to be lost       B. losing      


  C. lost     D. having lost


  18. He was unhappy with a lot of work _____ at the weekend.


   A. being done   B. to be done C. done       D. to do


  19. This restaurant is famous for its _______ cooked dishes, _______its baked duck.


   A. especially; specially             B. specially; especially


  C. especially; especially             D. specially; specially


  20. He gave me two books, _________ seemed to be interesting .                


  A. none of which     B. neither of which   


  C. either of them   D. both of them


  II.阅读理解 (20题, 每题2分, 共40分。)




  Fireworks safety starts before a firework is even sold. It begins with the producers, who need to follow strict rules in making their fireworks. That doesn’t mean every firework is safe enough, though.                  


  So what can you do to enjoy the fireworks and still stay safe? Going to public fireworks places is the best way. Before using fireworks, find out what the rules are in your city. If you live in the city that allows fireworks and you’re planning a do-it-yourself celebration, follow the safety advice to protect yourself and the people watching: 


  Make sure an adult is to be with you at all times. 


  Don’t allow little kids to play with fireworks. 


  Always use fireworks outside with water nearby. Keep fireworks away from dry leaves and other things that can easily catch fire. 


  Light one firework at a time. Keep the firework you’re lighting well away from unlit fireworks. 


  Point fireworks away from people. If you’re lighting a firework, wear eye protection and put the firework pointing up. 


  If a firework doesn’t seem to work, don’t try to light it again. Stand back for a while and throw water over it. 


  Put all fireworks into the water before throwing them away. 


  Keep fireworks in a cool, dry place. 


  If someone is hurt in the eye by fireworks, don’t rub the eye. Call 999 or go to the nearest hospital. 


  21. In this article, the word “you” means _________. 


  A. old people B. school students 


  C. fireworks producers D. fireworks sellers 


  22. What shall we do if a firework doesn’t seem to work? 


  A. Wait and throw water over it 


  B. Light another firework. 


  C. Try to light it again quickly. 


  D. Call 999 for help at once. 


  23. What’s the article mainly about?  


  A. Danger of fireworks.


  B. Trouble from fireworks. 


  C. Fireworks safety.


  D. Fireworks protection. 


  24. From the article, we learn the person who gave the advice must be _________. 


  A. clever and warm-hearted B. serious and well-educated 


  C. helpful and learned D. careful and experienced




  Quick reference index (快速目录索引) 






  ANIMALS  493-496 HOLIDAYS  841-873 






  HIGHWAYS  131-141 NATIONAL PARKS  747-749 










  EDUCATION  284-321 




  FLAGS OF THE WORLD  513-516 SPORTS 884-978 


  25. Where can you find the information on elephants?  


  A. On pages 517-528      


  B. On pages 529-615. 


  C. On pages 616-619.      


  D. On pages 493-496. 


  26. If you want to know about Chinese film star Cheng Long, where should you begin your search?  


  A. POSTAL INFORMATION on page l033. 


  B. ACTORS AND ACTRESSES On pages 385-389. 


  C. ENVIRONIVIENT on pages 80-10l. 


  D. NATIONAL PARKS On pages 747-749. 


  27. One who likes surfing can find the information about how to surf on pages______. 


  A. 141-144     B. 841一873    C. 884-978    D. 517-528  


  28. If you are interested in Thomas Edison,you fray search _______. 






  C. POPULATION                    






  There are many different kinds of communities around the world. Communities can be urban (in a city), suburban (near a city), or rural (in the countryside, far from a city). 


  Urban communities usually have many neighborhoods, where people often live close together in apartment buildings or small houses. Streets in these neighborhoods often have lots of people and many stores and businesses. People in urban neighborhoods often walk or take public transportation to get to places. 


  In suburban communities, people live in separate houses. Stores and businesses are not usually nearby, and people often have to drive to get there. Some suburban communities have public transportation, and others don’t. 


  In rural communities, people often live far from each other, not in neighborhoods. There isn’t usually any public transportation, and people have to drive everywhere. 


  Whether in urban, suburban, or rural areas, some communities are friendly, and others aren’t. For example, in some communities, people know their neighbors, they help each other, and their children play together all the time. In other communities, people sometimes don’t even know their neighbors’ names. 


  In the old days, most people around the world lived in small towns and villages, where they knew their neighbors. These days, more people live in large urban communities. Experts think that in the future most people will live in “megacities” of more than ten million people. Will there be friendly neighborhoods in these communities in the future? Time will tell. 


  29. Suburban communities are __________. 


  A. in a city


  B. near a city


  C. far from a city


  D. in the countryside 


  30. What do we know about urban communities? 


  A. People have to drive everywhere.


  B. People know all their neighbors. 


  C. People can do shopping easily.


  D. Children play together all the time. 


  31. Which of the following is true? 


  A. People usually help each other in all communities. 


  B. In rural communities, people often live in neighborhoods. 


  C. People in urban area usually live far from each other. 


  D. Urban transportation is the most convenient of all.  


  32. We can infer from the passage that __________. 


  A. people in the suburbs are less friendly these days 


  B. maybe there’ll be fewer friendly neighborhoods in the future 


  C. people in the countryside are more friendly these days 


  D. there will be more friendly neighborhoods in the future 




  A Los Angeles man is getting his stolen Mustang back — 38 years after it was stolen. The car has an extra 300,000 miles and a different paint job, but Eugene Brakke’s Mustang is clearly running just fine.


  Brakke reported the car stolen to Burbank police in May 1970.


  One month later, a Long Beach teenager named Judy Smongesky received the car as a high school graduation gift from her father, who had bought it at a Bellflower used car dealer.


  Smongesky, who now lives in San Diego, said Thursday she had been driving and keeping the car for nearly four decades, and only learned that it had been stolen when she recently prepared to sell it. San Diego police verified(证实)the car was hot.


  “It’s his car, even though he had it for four years and I had it for 38,” Smongesky said. “He seems like a real nice gentleman, though.”


  Brakke found out Smongesky had twice rebuilt the engine and painted the Mustang from its old gold color to silver-blue.


  “He wasn’t too happy with that,” Smongesky said.


  The pair planned to meet up to transfer (移交) the car soon.


  “It was hard but it was the right thing to do,” Smongesky said. “I haven’t really cried yet, but when he drives it away, I think I’ll fall apart.”


  33. Whose car was stolen according to the passage?


  A. Brakke’s  


  B. Mustang’s  


  C. Smongesky’s


  D. Smongesky’s father’s 


  34. In which year was the stolen car found by the police?


  A. 1970   B. 2008 C. 1965         D. 2003


  35. Who sold the car to Judy Smongesky’s father?


  A. A thief      


  B. A second-hand car dealer     


  C. Brakke        


  D. Mustang


  36. What does the underlined word “hot” in Paragraph 4 mean?


  A. destroyed   B. broken     C. stolen         D. robbed




  You will have a lot of reading to do in your grade this year. You can do more of it in less time if you learn to read rapidly.


  Perhaps you have been told about some habits which keep a person from reading fast and have been strongly asked to break those habits which you might have.


  Do you still have any of these bad habits? Check yourself by answering “yes” or “no” to these questions:


  Do you move your lips when reading silently?


  Do you point to those words with your fingers as you read?


  Do you move your head from side to side as you read?


  Do you read one word at a time?


  If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, start at once to break the habit. If you move your lips, hold your fingers over them, or hold a piece of paper between your lips while you are reading. Then if your lips move, you will know it and stop them moving.


  If you point to words, hold the two sides of your book, one side with your left hand, the other side with your right hand. Then you won’t have a free finger to use in pointing while reading. If you move your head, place your chin (下巴) in one hand, and hold your head still.


  If you read no more than one or two or three words at a time, you need to work very hard in learning to take in more words at each glance when your eyes are traveling across the lines of words. 


  Even if you do read fairly fast now, you can learn to read even faster. As you probably have been told, the secret of fast reading is to take in whole groups of words at each glance. Read in groups and force (迫使) your eyes along the lines of words as fast as you can make them go. Anyone who practices doing these two things will be able to read faster.


  37. You ____ those habits that we are talking about in reading if you want to read fast.


  A. must remember      


  B. must get rid of


  C. must have


  D. must keep


  38. You may hold your finger over your lips while reading so as _____.


  A. to hold a piece of paper between them


  B. to keep yourself from talking to others


  C. to tell others to be silent


  D. to feel whether your lips move or not


  39. When your eyes travel across the lines of words      .


  A. you need to read the words out


  B. you need to look at every word carefully


  C. you need to read several words at a time


  D. you need to remember every word


  40. When you read,       .


  A. don’t use your finger to point to the words


  B. don’t hold your books with your hands


  C. don’t keep your head still


  D. do all of the things mentioned in A, B and C




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